Nitharos Wiki

The Land of Estagund 

Estagund shares a common cultural heritage with Durpar and Var the Golden. Its folk are Durpari, who value trade and honor the Adama, a divinely inspired moral code. Beset by enemies, and within reach of few allies, Estagund relies on its noble warrior class  to keep it safe.

Lore - Not necessarily character knowledge. Check with DM before reading.[]

Estagund endured a few ills n the wake of the Cataclysm, but its lands were spared from devastation. Trade initially suffered, but time heals all wounds. 

Over the last century, kenkus have become prominent in the nation's larger settlements. In the last five years, an alliance has grown between Tirumala in the Beastlands and Estagund.

Unlike Durpar, where faith in the Adama faltered during the Merchant Wars, Estagund still has a strong religious center. The Adama is both a belief system and a code of conduct. To the average believer, the Adama is a guiding force, teaching that only through honest practices and mutual respect can one find peace and happiness.

All creatures, including deities, and objects are manifestations of the Adama. Gond, Oghma, Selune and Waukeen are the strongest representatives of its values of fairness, hard work, and honesty. Worshiping any god is paying homage to the Adama, but dishonesty and wickedness tend to separate evil deities and creatures from its principles.

Estagund's People derive their sense of truth, fairness, and tolerance from the Adama. It's the foundation by which they conduct themselves in daily life, not just ceremonies or in worship. Word of the Adama has spread to other lands; it and the people who follow it enjoy a reputation of fairness.

Unlike other states created by the Durpari people, Estagund has been and remains a monarchy. Rahah Seltrarir rules with the aid of the Council of Chakas (merchant houses). The Rajah is the final authority in the land, as well as the commander of it armed forces.

Differing further from their counterparts in Durpar and Var, Estagund's people honor a class of noble warriors known as the Maquar. The members of this class follow a highly restrictive code of conduct that dictates many aspects of their lives, limiting or prohibiting many activities. In exchange for these sacrifices, the maquar are freed from the responsibilityof providing for themselves so they can devote their lives entirely to the protection of the people. The Maquar answer only to the rajah of Estagund and those he deems fit to command units in his stead-usually the leaders of stagund's other cities. The Maquar, in turn, form the command structure for the military, performing as officers for common professional soldiers and local militias alike.
